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Project leader: Mateja Lasič

Musical content: Uršula Jašovec

Video content: Ana Lasič Simeunović

Photography: Peter Kordiš ​


In collaboration with Faculty of Medicine Ljubljana

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In November 2012, we organized a concert in the Linhartova hall of Cankarjev dom featuring students from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Ljubljana (MF UL). The event was titled "Hearing for Africa", as the concert had a charitable purpose with collection of donations for four charitable missions by MF UL students to Africa. The event left a strong impression of connection and collaboration, as colleagues from the Medical Faculties of Zagreb and Rijeka form Croatia also joined us on stage.


Beside series of captivating solo performances, specifically tailored for this occasion, was the establishment of the MF UL Orchestra which joined chamber orchestra, the Big Band MF UL and four vocal ensembles. A notable highlight was the specially for this occasion crafted arrangements of Michael Jackson's compositions, "Heal the World" and "Earth Song" (arranged by U. Jašovec), a collaborative effort on stage featuring over 100 students from various Medical Faculties, which garnered standing ovations.

This event not only stands out within our local milieu but also holds a distinctive place on a broader scale. It brought together the diverse talents of young individuals from both domestic and international spheres, all of whom generously dedicated their time, energy and passion for music and medicine to contribute meaningfully to the aid of developing nations.


Koncert je bil posvečen ženskam v boju z raki rodil ter vsem, ki jim na tej poti stojijo ob strani. Vendar rdeča nit dogodka ni bila bolezen, temveč življenje in tisto, kar je v njemu resnično.

"Dogodek je bil več kot le koncert – bil je prostor za premislek in refleksijo, povezanost in solidarnost."

Uveljavljeni umetniki različnih zvrsti, športniki, priznani strokovnjaki in številne osebnosti so dokazali, da raznolikost povezuje, če si ljudje tega želijo. S svojim zgledom, delom, prizadevanji, ustvarjanjem in nenazadnje nastopom so presegli navidezne trende »instant« družbe ter opozorili na prave vrednote. 

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Dogodek je otvorila umetniška vodja in vodja projekta OVITA asist. Mateja Lasič. Kot slavnostni govorec je prisotne nagovoril svetovno uveljavljeni prof. dr. Dirk Timmerman, predstojnik ginekološke klinike Univerzitetne bolnice Leuven iz Belgije in vodja mednarodne raziskovalne skupine IOTA. Sledile so navdihujoče misli in besede Petre Majdič, Mihe Mazzinija in Tanje Skaze, ki jih je v okrogli mizi povezal priznani prof. dr. Uroš Ahčan. 

Prof. dr. Dirk Timmerman
Okrogla miza s prof. dr. Urošem Ahčanom
Asist. Mateja Lasič

V glasbenem delu so z Matejo Lasič (klavir) in simfoničnim orkestrom Univerze v Ljubljani Grex Symphoniacorum pod vodstvom dirigenta Mihe Zupanc Kovača nastopili Bojan Cvjetićanin (Jocker Out), Tomi Meglič (Siddharta), Anja Bukovec (violina), Sara Čano (violončelo), Maja Žerjav (saksofon), vokalni skupini Katrinas in Muze.

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Anja Bukovec
Tomi Meglič
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Bojan Cvjetićanin
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Sara Čano
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Orkester Grex Symphoniacorum

Vsi navedeni so nastopili pro bono, organizacijo dogodka pa smo izpeljali v sklopu zavoda MAURANA ob pomoči družin, prijateljev, anonimnih prostovoljcev in filantropov ter Mestne občine Ljubljana, zato da bi lahko vsa pridobljena sredstva v okviru dobrodelnega koncerta »OVITA zanjo« namenili nakupu najsodobnejše medicinske opreme in kirurških inštrumentov, ki bodo prispevali k najboljši možni obravnavi in zdravljenju naših žensk. 

Naša zgodba se je dotaknila tudi drugega kontinenta čez Atlantski ocean, zato nam je pri pripravi programa na pomoč priskočila tudi  za emmyja nominiran skladatelj Anže Rozman, ki je posebej za to priložnost priredil filmsko glasbo Hansa Zimmerja, ki je pospremila tri navdihujoče video zgodbe bolnic Marte, Marije in Damjane ter osebja Kliničnega oddelka za ginekologijo UKC Ljubljana. 

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Maja Žerjav
Mateja Lasič
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Miha Zupanc Kovač
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Kot ambasadorji projekta OVITA so koncert »OVITA zanjo« srčno podprli tudi prof. Dubravka Tomšič Srebotnjak, Ana Roš, Ksenija Benedetti, Oskar Kogoj, Majda Koren, Sara Isaković, Aleksander Zadel. Podpori so se pridružili Zdravniška zbornica Slovenije, Združenje Europa Donna, Združenje ginekologov in porodničarjev Slovenije, Združenje za ginekološko onkologijo, kolposkopijo in cervikalno patologijo, Sekcija specializantov ginekologije in porodništva Slovenije ter Društvo študentov medicine Slovenije.

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"Navdihujoče misli in zgodbe ter avtentični in globoki nastopi,

izpolnjeni z iskrenimi

čustvi, so bili nagrajen s pristnim odzivom vseh prisotnih ter stoječimi ovacijami.


Trenutek, ko smo nastopajoči in občinstvo

bili resnično eno."

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Za zaupanje in podporo dobrodelnemu koncertu in projektu OVITA se iskreno zahvaljujemo sponzorjem: Slovenske železnice d.o.o., Thomy F.E. d.o.o., Blacktown construction GmbH, Inštitut za javno-zasebno partnerstvo Zavod Turjak, Infinum SI d.o.o., Pilremag d.o.o., TOSLA d.o.o., Big Bang d.o.o., Alkaloid d.o.o., Les Grands Chais de France, Jezeršek d.o.o., Tiskarna Ozimek d.o.o. in donatorjem: Zavarovalnica Vita d.d., Medex, d.o.o., Pokojninska družba A, d.d., Telemach Slovenija d.o.o., Merkur zavarovalnica d.d., DEWESoft d.o.o., BPT d.o.o.. Zahvaljujemo se tudi vsem posameznikom, ki so s številnimi donacijami podprli naša prizadevanja.  

Iskreno se zahvaljujemo vsem, ki so nam pomagali v pisni ali ustni besedi širiti vizijo projekta OVITA, da bi le-ta dosegla čim večje število ljudi - revija Jana (preberi članek), Onaplus (preberi članek), Družina (preberi članek), Metropolitan (preberi članek) ter radiu VAL 202 (poslušaj intervju) in Ognjišče (poslušaj intervju).

Dobrodelni koncert "OVITA zanjo" je kot soudeleženec prireditve podprlo Združenje SAZAS k.o..

Sponzorji OVITA koncert


Project leader: Mateja Lasič

Musical content: Uršula Jašovec

Video content: Ana Lasič Simeunović

Photography: Peter Kordiš ​


In collaboration with Faculty of Medicine Ljubljana

In November 2012, we organized a concert in the Linhartova hall of Cankarjev dom featuring students from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Ljubljana (MF UL). The event was titled "Hearing for Africa", as the concert had a charitable purpose with collection of donations for four charitable missions by MF UL students to Africa. The event left a strong impression of connection and collaboration, as colleagues from the Medical Faculties of Zagreb and Rijeka form Croatia also joined us on stage.


Beside series of captivating solo performances, specifically tailored for this occasion, was the establishment of the MF UL Orchestra which joined chamber orchestra, the Big Band MF UL and four vocal ensembles. A notable highlight was the specially for this occasion crafted arrangements of Michael Jackson's compositions, "Heal the World" and "Earth Song" (arranged by U. Jašovec), a collaborative effort on stage featuring over 100 students from various Medical Faculties, which garnered standing ovations.

This event not only stands out within our local milieu but also holds a distinctive place on a broader scale. It brought together the diverse talents of young individuals from both domestic and international spheres, all of whom generously dedicated their time, energy and passion for music and medicine to contribute meaningfully to the aid of developing nations.

Mateja Lasič
Mateja Lasič
Mateja Lasič
Mateja Lasič
Mateja Lasič
Mateja Lasič


Video and piano: Mateja Lasič

In collaboration with Department for Perinatology UMC Ljubljana

Mateja Lasič

In 2017, 30 years passed since the construction of the new building of Ljubljana Maternity Hospital, where today more than 4300 new lives are born each year.

The short film 'Birth' was created on the occasion of the celebration of the 30th anniversary of Ljubljana Maternity Hospital. Film was presented at the Knight's Hall of Ljubljana Castle and accompanied with live piano music.

The film tells the story of a maternity hospital that never sleeps; a tale of newborns, their mothers and fathers; a narrative of dedicated staff ensuring a safe and beautiful childbirth experience through a comprehensive approach and state-of-the-art care throughout the prenatal, delivery and postnatal period.



Piano music: Mateja Lasič

Camera: Manuel Hahn, Miha Bernard

In collaboration with prof. Uroš Ahčan


Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women. Once, mutilating mastectomy procedures left a large scar on the chest, physically and emotionally marking a woman's body, often at the cost of lives. Today, state-of-the-art surgical treatment not only enables recovery from the disease but also offers the possibility of simultaneous breast reconstruction using one's own tissues and employing the latest surgical and technological approaches (microsurgery, 3D reconstruction).

In Slovenia and worldwide, the recognised expert and visionary, Professor Uroš Ahčan, MD, PhD, a specialist in plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgery, has presented a comprehensive approach to treatment of breast cancer in his book "Breast cancer and best reconstructive options." Alongside the book, a video accompanied by piano music was created.

With this project, our aim was to inform both the professional and general public about all the treatment options for women with breast cancer, and, above all, to demonstrate comprehensive support for patients and their families on the path to the recovery from this disease.


Video: Ana Lasič Simeunović in Mateja Lasič

Piano: Mateja Lasič


In collaboration with prof. Uroš Ahčan

Super market of beauty in the Midnight Club


Together with Prof. Dr. Ahčan, through the writing and presentation of the book, we delved into the exploration of what beauty means in various contexts, from different professional perspectives, and from different angles in words, art, photography, fashion, physical exercise, makeup, cosmetics, psychology, dentistry, medicine, and surgery.

We collaborated with the designer Nina Šušnjar, makeup artist Maja Šušnjar, photographer Aljoša Rebolj, trainer Mito Šinkovec, dentists Matija Gorjanc and Barbara Hrovatin, clinical psychologist Bernarda Logar Zakrajšek, neurologist Gaja Klarendić, and surgeon Uroš Ahčan.

"The pathways of today do not all lead to Rome but rather to the supermarket," are the opening words of Prof. Dr. Uroš Ahčan, the editor, and author of the book "Supermarket lepote, z ostrino uma in ostrino noža" (The Supermarket of Beauty, with the Sharpness of Mind and the Sharpness of the Knife). In the introduction, Prof. Ahčan addresses: "Supermarket. A contemporary sanctuary, a modern rehabilitation center, a social meeting point for the elderly with a children's playground simultaneously. They are super large, with a super offer, at super prices, promising super satisfaction. Beauty also has its supermarkets, and unfortunately, more people get lost in them than in a wild tropical jungle full of traps and unknowns. The future lies in beauty supermarkets, where highly educated professionals with the highest moral and ethical principles will sell only what people truly need – high-quality and precisely tailored services personalized for each individual."



Story: Špela Kaplja

Music: Uršula Jašovec

Ilustrations: Jana Fak

"How Donkey Defeated Monster" is a therapeutic musical fairy tale designed to help children cope with fear. It was inspired by a real donkey named Bard. Bard is a mischievous, brave and heartwarming little donkey who inspired the author Špela Kaplja to write a story for his birthday.

It's a tale about how we create our own fears and how the donkey, who faces them, shows the townspeople how to overcome them. Uršula Jašovec took great joy in composing music for this charming story, which came to life with illustrations by Jane Fak.

The book was published and presented in December 2022 by Terra Anima publishing and is available for purchase from Chiara publishing. As Špela is also a storyteller, we started traveling around with this book, performing the songs live throughout Slovenia to help children realize that fear is just a big fluffy, furry friendly "monster."


Music: Uršula Jašovec

Story: Špela Kaplja 

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Upon the initiative and in collaboration with the Terra Anima society, a musical performance and fairy tale titled "Moč močvirja" (The Power of the Swamp) was created to raise awareness about the importance of the swamp ecosystem for our environment.

Wetlands are disappearing faster than tropical forests - globally, we have lost almost 90% of wetlands since 1700. These highly vulnerable ecosystems are crucial as climate regulators in managing climate change, providing drinking water, and purifying and enriching groundwater. Wetlands serve as the kidneys of the landscape and a treasure trove of biodiversity, being the most biologically diverse ecosystems.

Our goal was to demonstrate how to advocate for them, how to become their guardian, or simply someone who lets the power of the place flow through them, thus becoming something much more significant.


Ballet school  Ana

Music: Uršula Jašovec

Story: Karolina Graj

Choreography: Ana Trojnar

In the beginning of 2022, we started ballet performances for children with an environmental touch: to initiate the conservation and care of our planet. Everything begins with a small gesture; all it takes is to start. In May 2023, we successfully concluded our tour with 32 fully packed shows. Choreographer and ballet dancer Ana Trojnar ensured that the music came to life.

Doctor Turtle Živa has more patients every day. The sea is drowning in plastic, and marine animals are seeking ways to get rid of it, thus preventing their demise. Are the recently hatched turtles in Pearl Bay the key to a brighter future?



Foto: Ana Lasič Simeunović

In collaboration with Cheryl Dunn


As part of the "Drink differently" competition, initiated by Pivovarna Union, a special photography workshop took place where young photographers aimed to capture the fun of young people and, above all, raise awareness of the consequences of excessive drinking. Ten young photographers, aged 16-25, participated in the competition. Together with the internationally acclaimed photographer Cheryl Dunn, they wanted to address their peers and encourage responsible behavior.

The photographs of Ana Lasič Simeunović were selected for the best series and communicative value. With her photos, Ana aimed to present her perspective on excessive and irresponsible alcohol consumption among young people. The photo series was exhibited at the Galerija Fotografija.

Ana Lasič Simeunović
Ana Lasič Simeunović
Ana Lasič Simeunović
Ana Lasič Simeunović


Foto: Ana Lasič Simeunović

In collaboration with  UIRS

As part of the competition "Photo Stories of Our Neighbourhood," Ana's photograph was also awarded, contributing to the thematic collection of photographs depicting the current state of neighbourhoods in Slovenia and elsewhere. The competition was organized by the Urban Planning Institute of the Republic of Slovenia (UIRS) as part of the international project Humane Cities: Challenging the City Scale (Creative Europe 2014–2020) in collaboration with the Museum of Architecture and Design (MAO) and the local initiative Together on the Platform!.



Foto: Ana Lasič Simeunović

In collaboration with Tina Ramujakić and MOL

Ana Lasič Simeunović

As part of Tina Ramujkić's photography course, Ana presented her photographs at the Prežihov Voranc Library in collaboration with the City Municipality of Ljubljana. The exhibition was titled "Green You Are, Ljubljana, Through the Photographer's Eye." In her photographs, Ana aimed to capture the enchantment of everyday moments in the urban pulse of the city of Ljubljana.

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